29/03/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 29 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
29/03/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
25/03/2019 |
Confirmation of Final Redemption of Non Convertible Debentures - Series 20D |
18/03/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 29 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
18/03/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
14/03/2019 |
Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 |
14/03/2019 |
Media Release : Reliance Infrastructure Limited signs Definitive Binding Agreement with Cube Highways and Infrastructure III Pte Ltd. for 100% Stake Sale of Delhi-Agra (DA) Toll Road |
13/03/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
13/03/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 29 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
07/03/2019 |
Change in Director of the Company |
05/03/2019 |
Media Release - Reliance Infrastructure Limited bags Airport Authority of India contract for new Greenfield Airport at Hirasar in Rajkot, Gujarat |
01/03/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 7 (2) of SEBI Insider Trading Regulations |
01/03/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 29 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
01/03/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
28/02/2019 |
Confirmation of payment of interest due for NCDs - Series 29 |
25/02/2019 |
Record Date for final redemption and payment of interest due for NCDs - Series 20D |
23/02/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
23/02/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 29 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
26/02/2019 |
Investor and Analyst Meet held on February 25, 2019 |
19/02/2019 |
News Clarification: "Lenders won't sell Anil Ambani- Ied Reliance group shares till September 30" |
18/02/2019 |
Media Release : SC entertains SLP of Reliance Infrastructure's SPV DAMEPL challenging Delhi High Court Division Bench's Order |
18/02/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Regulation 7 (2) of SEBI Insider Trading Regulations |
18/02/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
18/02/2019 |
Revision in Credit Ratings |
18/02/2019 |
Shri V R Galkar ceases to be Director of the Company on completion of his tenure. |
09/02/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
09/02/2019 |
Media Release |
07/02/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 29 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
07/02/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31 (2) of SEBI Takeover Regulations |
07/02/2019 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 7 (2) of SEBI Insider Trading Regulations |
05/02/2019 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on February 5, 2019 |
05/02/2019 |
Change in Company Secretary and Compliance Officer |
05/02/2019 |
Intimation on Revision of Insider Trading Code |
04/02/2019 |
DAMEPL files SLP before Hon’ble Supreme Court challenging the order of the Division Bench of the Hon’ble Delhi High Court in the matter of DMRC Arbitration |
04/02/2019 |
Media Release - No Impact of Reom move on Reliance Infrastructure Group |
01/02/2019 |
Disclosure under Reg 31 of Sebi Takeover Regulations |
28/01/2019 |
Intimation of Record Date - NCDs Series 29 |
28/01/2019 |
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on February 5, 2019 |
21/01/2019 |
Confirmation of payment of interest due for Non Convertible Debentures |
19/01/2019 |
Arbitration award in the matter of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) and Delhi Airport Metro Express Private Limited (DAMEPL), a subsidiary of the Company DAMEPL moving to Supreme Court soon |
17/12/2018 |
Intimation of Record Date to BSE |
17/12/2018 |
Intimation of Record Date to NSE |
05/12/2018 |
Change in Registrar and Share Transfer Agent |
14/11/2018 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on November 14, 2018 |
13/11/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure Wins Rs. 16.14 Crore Arbitration Award Against NHAI |
05/11/2018 |
Change in Company Secretary and Compliance Officer |
02/11/2018 |
Intimation of postponement of Board Meeting |
30/10/2018 |
Intimation of Record Date - NCDs Series 29 |
27/10/2018 |
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on November 3, 2018 |
20/10/2018 |
Confirmation of payment of Interest - NCD Series 18 |
06/10/2018 |
Intimation of Record Date - NCDs Series 18 |
26/09/2018 |
News Clarification - DNA India Article titled "Reliance Infrastructure pulled up for buying costly coal, driving up electricity rates" |
18/09/2018 |
Consolidated Report of Scrutiniser - AGM dated September 18, 2018 |
18/09/2018 |
Voting results under Regulation 44 - AGM dated September 18, 2018 |
18/09/2018 |
Proceedings of the AGM held on September 18, 2018 |
14/09/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure Consortium Submits (PS-BG) and (MA-BG) to (MSRDC) For Versova-Bandra Sea Link Project In Mumbai |
05/09/2018 |
CRISIL withdraws its 'D' ratings for Reliance Infrastructure's NCDs totalling Rs. 710 Crore |
04/09/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure - Astaldi Consortium Sign Agreement with MSRDC for Versova-Bandra Sea Link Project in Mumbai |
03/09/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure has paid all outstanding Electricity duty and other taxes of Rs. 2,640 Crore to Maharashtra Govt. |
03/09/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure wins Rs. 200 Crore Arbitration Award against NHAI |
03/09/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure Credit Profile Improves with Debt Liability Payoffs |
31/08/2018 |
Analyst Call Outcome |
31/08/2018 |
Disclosure regarding payment of interest and final redemption of NCD |
31/08/2018 |
Media Release - Reliance Infrastructure wins EPC Contract for Mumbai.Nagpur Expressway |
31/08/2018 |
Disclosure regarding payment of interest and final redemption of NCD |
30/08/2018 |
Disclosure regarding payment of interest and final redemption of NCD Series 3, Series 5 and Series 13A |
30/08/2018 |
Disclosure regarding the final redemption of Non Convertible Debentures |
29/08/2018 |
Intimation of Analyst Call |
29/08/2018 |
Media Release - Reliance Infrastructure completes 100% sale of its Mumbai Power Business to Adani Transmission Limited |
29/08/2018 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on August 29, 2018 |
29/08/2018 |
Intimation of Board Meeting scheduled on August 29, 2018 |
24/08/2018 |
Intimation of AGM Notice and Book Closure |
21/08/2018 |
Disclosure regarding payment of interest and final redemption of Non Convertible Debentures |
21/08/2018 |
Media Release by the company |
01/08/2018 |
Revision in Credit Ratings |
01/08/2018 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on August 1, 2018 |
27/07/2018 |
Disclosure regarding payment of interest and final redemption of NCD Series 5 and 13A |
27/07/2018 |
Confirmation of payment of interest for NCD Series 13B |
25/07/2018 |
Confirmation of Payment of Interest of NCDs Series 25D, 25E and 25F including partial redemption of NCDs Series 25D |
24/07/2018 |
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on 01.08.2018 |
22/07/2018 |
Confirmation of Payment of Interest of NCDs Series 18 |
20/07/2018 |
Disclosure under Reg 31 of Sebi Takeover Regulations |
06/07/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 7(2)(b) of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 |
05/07/2018 |
Intimation of record date for Payment of Interest and Final Redemption of NCDs |
29/06/2018 |
Confirmation of Payment of Interest and Final Redemption of NCDs Series 11D and 12C |
29/06/2018 |
Exercise of option to submit consolidated financial results |
28/06/2018 |
MERC approves sale of Reliance Infrastructure's Integrated Mumbai Power Business to ATL |
20/06/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 |
20/06/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 |
19/06/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 |
15/06/2018 |
Confirmation of Payment of Interest and Final Redemption of NCDs Series 11B and 12B |
13/06/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 |
13/06/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 |
04/06/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 |
31/05/2018 |
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on May 31, 2018 |
31/05/2018 |
Redemption of Series 26 Non Convertible Debentures |
28/05/2018 |
Disclosure under Listing Regulations - Intimation of the meeting of the Committee of Directors |
19/05/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 |
18/05/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 7(2)(b) of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 |
18/05/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 |
18/05/2018 |
Credit Rating by India Ratings & Research |
14/05/2018 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on May 14, 2018 |
09/05/2018 |
Intimation of Board Meeting of Reliance Infrastructure Limited scheduled to be held on Monday, May 14, 2018 |
07/05/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure Limited - Astaldi S.p.A (Italy) in Joint Venture win Rs. 7,000 Crore Versova-Bandra Sea Link Project in Mumbai |
23/04/2018 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on April 23, 2018 |
19/04/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure bags EPC contract from RVNL for railway project worth Rs 774 crore |
18/04/2018 |
Further Intimation on Board Meeting |
16/04/2018 |
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on 23.04.2018 |
13/04/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure Limited bags three out of five packages of Mumbai Metro Line-4 with total bid value around Rs. 1,584 crore |
10/04/2018 |
Hon'ble Delhi High Court directs DMRC to take over entire debt servicing to the lenders of DAMEPL of Rs. 1,618 crore |
09/04/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure Limited bags Rs. 1,081 crore EPC Contract for Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project |
05/04/2018 |
Disclosure in terms of Reg 31(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 |
02/04/2018 |
Reliance Infrastructure Limited bags Rs. 441 crore EPC Contract for Ministry of Road Transport and Highways Project |