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The arrival of Mumbai Metro marked a transition in Mumbai's transport system. With this, Mumbai joined the league with many world cities to care for its citizens better. Symbol of modern transportation that Metro is; it fills the major gap in what a Mumbaikar needs and what he ends up coming to terms with.
This Modern transportation brings with it higher benchmarks of how a public transport should be thoughtful towards its commuters.
Features and benefits of Mumbai Metro One are synopsis of the thoughtfulness put towards different set of people who are going to use the system, a well planned retail at stations addresses the concern of women and hurried people to get their things sorted right while they are commuting, without having to spend time outside stations, ATMs, convenience stores, refreshment and snacks stores open wide range of options for fellow Mumbaikars.
In a mad rush of every day travel where elderly, pregnant women, people with special needs feel ignored, Mumbai Metro One's ecosystem is developed considering this small yet important section of society, right from entry to exit its ensured that the system is friendlier to people with special needs, lifts, escalators, tactile flooring, wheelchair friendly trains and platforms, signify the thoughtfulness that this modern transportation brings to the city.
In this effort to make this small commute as world class, caring and thoughtful as possible the safety aspect has too been taken care of, when Mumbai Metro One carries a fast Mumbaikar faster to its destination, the system is designed such that while in emergency the stations can be evacuated as quickly as 4 minutes, in times of emergency in train passenger driver communication allows passengers to speak to the driver and even get the train stopped if required.
With its above all it all features and dream to make every Mumbaikar have a nice day. Mumbai Metro One is cherished by every commuter that has used it. Over 100 million commuters have used it in its first year of operation and appreciates every effort that it has taken to make Mumbaikars have a nice day
To know more about our Metro Rail business, kindly visit: www.reliancemumbaimetro.com
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