RInfra - Investor Relations - Corporate Governance - Materiality of Events and Information

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Materiality of Events and Information

Policy for Determination and Disclosure of Materiality of Events and Information

The following Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) of the Company are severally authorised to determine the materiality of any event or information and for the purposes of making disclosures to the Stock Exchanges, pursuant to regulation 30(5) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

Their Contact details are as below:-


Sr.No Name of the KMPs Designation Contact Details
1. Shri Punit Garg Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer 022 4303 7801
2. Shri Vijesh Babu Thota Chief Financial Officer 022-4303 4632
3. Shri Paresh Rathod Company Secretary 022-4303 4520